The sphere represents perfection, wholeness, completeness and unity. It’s a symbol of the infinite and it radiates energy evenly in all directions.
Wear Shungite or place it on the source of electromagnetic frequency emissions, such as computers and cell phones, to eliminate their detrimental effects.
Shungite works at a deep physical level to restore balance to the body – or purity to water. It transforms water into a biologically active substance while simultaneously removing harmful microorganisms and pollutants. Shungite absorbs that which is hazardous to health: pesticides, free radicals, bacteria, viruses, EMF, Wi-Fi, microwaves, and other emissions. It boosts everything that is beneficial for physical well-being, turning water into a life-enhancing essence that powerfully supports the immune system. Shungite also restores emotional equilibrium and transforms stress into a potent energetic recharge.
Shungite Sphere 1" With The Stand